Generation Google Scholarship

Muskan Agarwal
4 min readMay 9, 2021

Tips on writing essays and application procedure.

Missing this opportunity in my first year is something I still regret and I wish to guide the next eligible batch by explaining the application procedure and tips for essays.

What is Generation Google Scholarship?

It was previously known as the Google Women Techmakers Scholarship and women students in the first and second year can apply for it. It mainly aims at the upliftment of underrepresented groups and empowers girl students at an early age so that they can be leaders for tomorrow.

Eligibility(Asia Pacific):

  • Identify as female
  • Currently, be enrolled at an accredited university for your particular academic year.
  • Be studying computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field
  • Demonstrate a strong academic record
  • Exemplify leadership and demonstrate a passion for increasing the involvement of women in computer science

What is the application procedure and how do they qualify for the next round?

The application procedure is pretty simple. Application opens around Mid April and almost every year they give 2 topics to write an essay in round 1. The essay should be strictly within the word limit. As far as I remember the essay should be of 450 words. Round 2 is a telephonic interview with a Googler (which I have not gone through yet :P). I will make sure to write tips on round 2 as well. But this article will focus on round -1 mainly.

They basically want to judge our leadership skills and what we have done for the upliftment of the underrepresented groups and what is our contribution to and vision for women in STEM. Here it is not necessary that you should hold a high position in any big organization. Work on projects that can create an impact on society. Every small effort of yours is counted and appreciated. Eg. Having a YouTube channel where you guide others, mentoring students in your college, Writing blogs, etc.

Apart from the essays, the application procedure asks us to submit our unofficial transcripts, board mark sheets, and valid identity proof. For first-year students who have not received their transcripts yet can mail them for instructions.

Tips for essay:

I went through more than 100 articles before writing my essay and here are few things that helped me write my essay and I hope to guide you all in the best possible way :

  1. Do not exceed the word limit under any circumstances. I have consulted many past scholars and this is one piece of advice each and every one of them has given me.
  2. It is advisable to include statistics. Try to Mention numbers and percentages because it makes your application and work very realistic.

for example: impacted 400+ students through a campaign.

3. Provide clickable links in your essays.

for example: If you write blogs then provide a link to it or if you have any project that you would want them to see you should add a link to your website/app/Repository.

4. Most of the applicants think that they have to mention leadership roles related to tech but let me tell you that is not necessary at all. Even if you are volunteering for a non-technical role you are good to go. Eg: If you work at an NGO and help poor people go ahead and mention that.

5. Now the last but the most important suggestion is to try to be as real as possible write your own story because that is something that will set your essay apart from the others and make you unique. People reading your essay are experts and will eventually figure out if you are not real. Do not think that you have not done enough to get the scholarship. All they are looking for are leaders who are ready to serve the community so do not underestimate themselves.

Let no one tell you that you are not good enough!

Tips for resume:

  1. Mention numbers and metrics in your resume too.
  2. If you have participated in contests by Google like Codejam, Hashcode, etc try to mention it because it adds a lot of plus points to your resume. Do not forget to add your certificate links to your resume.
  3. Mention your volunteering experiences for supporting women in STEM

To everyone reading this I wish you all the best and feel free to connect me on Linkedin if you have any doubts!

My LinkedIn :)



Muskan Agarwal

Frontend Web Developer || Exploring ReactJS || VIT Vellore